Look what I got for my birthday last month. For the past few weeks, I have been teaching myself how to use it, and teaching myself how to not burn myself.
This first one is the very latest thing I made, for my big sis Sue.
Shhh, don't tell her, She hasn't gotten it yet and has no idea. She is an amazing artist. To hear all about her and see more of her work just click here:
I used a print of her color pencil artwork of a light house and ship,
and added and S for SUSIE.
And below is the first thing I made. Its awful right? I surly did not know what I was doing. But it has become addicting.

And here are a few bracelets I made once I got better at it. They are a bit like those vintage watch bracelets I made a while back.
Well, I have Angels to get back to next week. This is one I am working on, she is itty-bitty indeed...