September's here, and nearly gone, But leaves have yet to turn.
The weathers hot, no misty morn's,
No leaves to pile and burn.
Bittersweet and pumpkins bought,
Summer's hanging on.
I'll wait some days, I should not rush,
Fall will come along.
Becky Carney

This is what it looks like now. 
I did not take these pictures, but this is beautiful Virginia. These last 3 pictures are what I have to look forward to. I don't mean to rush fall, Summer is holding on. The weatherman says next week, cooler temperature's, maybe. Nevertheless, It is beautiful here in Virginia.

For more information on Virginia go to...

oh Becky,
although I'm not a native Virginian I am so homesick for it right now. Especially after seeing your beautiful pictures...and then reading your lovely poem.
You are very blessed to be able to walk out your door into one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.Thanks so much for sharing these lovely glimpses.
by the way, thanks sovery much for the poem about my Fine Pigg.
he is indeed a fine fellow.
he's German you know and if you can imagine his accent along with the sweet schnuffling that pigs do...you just got to love him.
I love him!
thanks so much,Becky.
"Sweet Becky, so much to say & so little time..LOL!!"
Can I just say, "how lovely your home is in fall, so majestic, and peaceful...would do anything to come and visit to sit in this beauty!"
I was able to do the post on the swap...you must take a peak my friend, thank you, for all your goodies you sent, i surly felt the LOVE in your package, and can not "THANK YOU ENOUGH!!"
Big Hugs sending your way!!
"Good Morning Becky,"
Do you know, my husband saw those, spoons, and he immediately thought they were bent..LOL, before i could even say, NO..he bent them..."sorry..!!" They were so Vintage Like, very antique'ish, i still can't thank you enough dear!! You did so good, I feel so spoiled..hee,hee!
"BTW, LOVE YOUR NEW BANNER...did Mica do that for you??"
hey beautiful pictures. I have been really down and out with 2 X era infection. Hmmm Sigh.... miss everyone in blogland, so thought I wi=ould try to catch up a little.
Hello Becky. I love these photos of beautiful VA. My son just moved there and we will be visiting soon. Can't wait. I am enjoying your blog and am happy that you visited mine. I hope you will come again. I have not posted for a while, but with Fall coming, I will have lots to talk about. I am going to add you to my list, will you please do the same? Happy day.
Gorgeous photos! Happy Fall to you also!!
"This is exactly what i wanted, you putting that angel image on your side bar...you are an Angel!!" Thank you!! You will be getting something special from me~ just wait and you will see..ok;-))!
Have a lovely weekend,
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