The bidding has begun. Please take a moment and visit the auction site, do what you can for this worthy cause.
I am honored to introduce to you, BLESSINGS, my offering for the Silent Auction for Sweet Ava Grace. My angel is made of muslin, soft sculpted and hand painted face, and her hair is of raw lambs wool. Her dress is a cotton paisley print fabric, stained for a time worn look. She has large feathered wings, also stained for an aged look.She holds the key of many blessings. And has a star atop her head to light her way as she delivers her many blessings. Blessings measures 40" long from her toes to the top of her star, and wings spans 17" wide. And she's signed and dated By me.
Blessings is located 3rd from the bottom on page 6 of the auction site.
Please take some time to come visit the official site created for Ava Grace, and all the wonderful Artist participating.
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber,
Holy angels guead thy bed!
Heavenly blessing without number
Gently falling on thy head
-Isaac Watts
Divine Songs
She is beyond Precious Becky!! You are an angel to be a part of such a wonderful cause!!!! Bless you!
darling!! perfect for this silent auction. It's exciting really. I hope they bring in lots of moola to help that sweet family. Thanks for your continual thoughts an prayers for me. I am really in a funk. I am working on a piece tonight..hope to share by tomaorrow. Much love and blessings back to you ... a very dear friend in which I am so happy contacted me many months ago. you are so very sweet. XOXO
"OH BECKY...too cute for words, and only the heart can feel to speak of!!" She is one to squeeze and hold, she looks so soft, light and sweet!! Great friend, you are a true talent....yes indeed you are!!
Becky...she is so very beautiful!! Such a sweet face ~ she's wonderful ~ xxoo, Dawn
Dearest Becky,
Well, I am off today to start my new adventure..please stop by and read about it. I know I can count on you for many tips, after all, you are a pro. at this...LOL!!!
"Have a lovely day!!"
Just wanted to say hi.... Miss ya.
"I agree with Mica, (miss ya!) and you two got me to take the Holiday Food fun!!"
We all match our "Holiday Food description...LOL!!
good morning!
your dolly angel is precious!
Thank you for coming to visit me,too.
bless your day dear Becky,
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