I wish you all a bright and Happy New Year in 2008.
Smiles Always,
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A Merry Christmas to ya...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Remember these?
Here is one I finished. Made with treasures old and new.
I call him "Sinter Klass"
Here is her Home Sweet Home
Come on in... Sleigh bells in the air, beauty everywhere...
Yuletide by the fireside, and joyful memories there...
click on some pictures for close up.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Well, I've been on a little trip and I am so glad to be home again. Dave and I took a trip South over the past couple weeks. He had business in Orlando FL and Charleston SC so I tagged along and had a great time visiting and shopping. His family lives in Orlando so it was nice to visit with them. And we have some great friends in Charleston we spent some good time with. It was all great fun but I am so glad to be back and ready to decorate the house for Christmas. We usually do this much earlier but the trip changed that. It was 85 in Florida during our visit, I wished it was colder. But we arrived back in Virginia just after a dusting of snow and today we have a bit of ice. I'm so ready for this winter, the nesting and cozy fires. I can't wait, we may just have a white Christmas.
Giveaway prizes packed and on the way. I'm a day later than I thought. But I hope all you winners enjoy your treasures. Be sure to let me know they all arrive safe to your homes. Thanks to all for your comments. This was so fun, I hope to do it again soon.
I'm off to the sewing machine, still more Santa's to make before it's to late.
This is so what my house looks like now. I've got work to do.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
For first prize... Lucy Bloom
Will receive this "Heavens Angel", hand made by me, from a vintage baby doll dress, 100 year old wood for her wings and mother of pearl buttons for her eyes.
Second Place Prize...Sam I am~Sandy
from http://samiamcreations.blogspot.com/
Will receive "Aubrey Aleah" A twice blessed fairie created from treasures olde & new. Her under skirt is made from a vintage hanky, and dress is made from a vintage linen napkin. With hand painted, paper clay hands, legs and face. Feather wings and a paper cone hat embellished with rhinestones.
Third Place Prize... "Lynne"
From http://lynnewsnyder.blogspot.com/
She will receive a mini collection of things I love. Sewing notions including a wool pin-cushion with 3 vintage glass pins, a itty-bitty dollie, vintage measuring tape, vintage card of mother of pearl buttons, sweet tiny scissors a snipp-it of lace and a scrap of a vintage blue quilt, and a wood dove Christmas ornament, all in a sweet basket lined with a scrap of wool.
And there's more...
For those first 5 visitors that posted my giveaway on their blogs will receive...
This sweet mini folk art bird and Christmas gift tag.
And they are...
Dawn from http://the-feathered-nest.blogspot.com/
Madrekarin from http://madrekarin.blogspot.com/
Lesha from http://thestylishmom.blogspot.com/
Dolly from http://frommycherryheart.blogspot.com/
Laura from http://laurawilliamsmusings.blogspot.com/
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I thought I would posts a few pictures of some of the treasures for my Giveaway. I should call it a "Gift Away" cause I wish I could give all you sweet gals a gift. Old and new stranger-friends have been so lovely to say something nice. I think I can get use to this give away stuff. I'm lovin it. But who doesn't love a sweet comment once in a while. But time is running short and these are some treasures I've made and collected for Saturdays drawing. I hope you like it and Good Luck to you all...
These is a bit more that I left for a surprise.
I will draw names Saturday, November 24th at 8:00 pm (Eastern time) and post winners here.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It's nearly that time, for baking, and basting, stuffing and tasting.
And of course Giving Thanks for all we are blessed with. I haven't had much time lately to post much, or even to think of much to say. It has been nice this weekend to play around with the computer again and try some new things.
I am looking forward to the time in the Kitchen to bake. Especially for my son who has returned from school for the holiday week. It is even going to be fun sprucing up the house for our Thanksgiving.
I just wanted to wish everyone a fun filled week with all the primping for your wonderful feast. And send a joyful wish for a smooth & safe and beautiful Holiday.
I also thought it was time I had a
Simply leave a comment on this post this week, And on
Saturday, November 24th,
I will draw names for some fun and festive prizes.
Want a hint of the prizes?
I will post pictures of prizes later in the week.
Friday, November 16, 2007
~Dont forget to click on pictures for a close up~
Glitter Santa
"Makin his list" Santa
What's next...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Here is what I made this time
A Pear and Cranberry Tart, Yummy. Then during the show we take turns visiting and eating up all the scrumptious food everyone brings. We do it all and it always turns out so wonderful. And when it is over we clear out and clean up the house our gracious host's allows us to use, a beautiful home indeed. And even before we have all caught our breaths after the show is over, we begin to plan for the next year. With a fun get together after show dinner. First we exchange gifts then cackle for hours and right back to planning for the next years show. I love being involve in this wonderful show and am already planning on what to make next year.
Well, I have listed some new thing on my Etsy ~Shop around the corner~. I hope you all come take a look at what I've made. I have great fun and there will be more to come in the next few days. Don't forget to leave a comment. I love to hear from you all.
My best to you all on this Veterans day.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007

Well, exciting for me anyway. I sold my first item from my Etsy shop. How great is that. I didn't expect to get this big a thrill out of it. I've been selling dolls for nearly 18 years. But I guess since it is the first time ever selling anything on the web for me, it is very exciting.
This is the item I sold. One of my vintage watch brackets. This one happens to be my very favorite too. I had added a little charm to it, a silver star with wings, my signature touch. I just thought it was so sweet.
Anyway, I have been at my sewing machine all week and got away one day to work at Portobello Road. We are just getting the store ready for Christmas. But at home I am surrounded by naked Santa bodies, its very funny at times. I've also finally finished decorating the last wall in my sewing room.
Its been bare for quite a while. I just love my old Christening dresses, I have a great collection. So I thought I'd add a few to the wall. Hopefully to inspire me more to make more of my Heavens Angels.
This is one of my Heavens Angels, on display (for sale) at Portobello Road. I will have some at my Etsy shop again very soon, with a couple new looks.
Well, back to the sewing table. Its gotten cold around here, Santa needs a coat...