Saturday, November 17, 2007

Good Tidings and a Giveaway...
"We Gather Together, to ask the Lords Blessing"
It's nearly that time, for baking, and basting, stuffing and tasting.

And of course Giving Thanks for all we are blessed with. I haven't had much time lately to post much, or even to think of much to say. It has been nice this weekend to play around with the computer again and try some new things.

I am looking forward to the time in the Kitchen to bake. Especially for my son who has returned from school for the holiday week. It is even going to be fun sprucing up the house for our Thanksgiving.
I just wanted to wish everyone a fun filled week with all the primping for your wonderful feast. And send a joyful wish for a smooth & safe and beautiful Holiday.

I also thought it was time I had a
It's not my 100th post or anything like that, just a good time to spread some fun and cheer. And what better time than this Holiday.
Simply leave a comment on this post this week, And on
Saturday, November 24th,
I will draw names for some fun and festive prizes.
Want a hint of the prizes?
Well, they will have a sewing,angel, Dollie, Vintage Christmas theme.
How's that?
I will post pictures of prizes later in the week.
Spread the word...
The first 5 commenter's mentioning my giveaway on your blog will get a prize for doing so too.
Have a great week everyone.


The Feathered Nest said...

Yaaaay Becky!! I would LOVE to be entered into your giveaway and will definitely post about your giveaway!!!! xxoo, Dawn (love, love your beautiful music)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

How nice! :)
Here's my post.

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

How exciteing!
I will post about your give away on my blog!

I am haveing a give away too!
Come and enter!

Hugz, Dolly

Janet said...

I came over here by way of Dawn an would love to be in the drawing.

Happy Thanksgiving and stop by for a chat when you have a minute.


Anonymous said...

that is soo sweet of you. I miss you also. and love your angel creations. have a blessed Thanksgiving.


Pearl Maple said...

Have always posted comments on your beautiful photos but your handiwork is simply lovely too. Linked off of dolly's post at cherry heart today.

Trace Geworsky said...

I would love to be entered into your yummy giveaway.
Merry (early) Christmas!!!
Trace G

Anonymous said...

fun giveaway!

blogged ya:

lev53211 said...

please enter me!

Anonymous said...

please enter me thanks

Anonymous said...

I just learned about your giveaway and checking out your site has been such a treat! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

How fun to have a giveaway...I love your angels, glad I popped by to read your blog :)

Angela said...

I love suprises!!

I blogged ya here (it will show up in just a few mins)

JewelsHud said...

Sounds wonderful . . . this is thanksgiving - so I'll say thank you for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Your work is so wonderful, I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you for being so generous with your readers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your work with the rest of us. It is all so beautiful. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

Linda said...

Oh, you do such lovely work..I especially love Glitter Santa and Sir Santa. Please include me in your giveaway. Thank you. Linda

Amy said...

happy thanksgiving! i would love to be entered into the drawing! thanks!

Puddintane! said...

please enter me!

Bebemiqui said...

count me in ;0)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered in your drawing! I found you via My Cherry Heart (Dolly)!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Liberty said...

How lovely! Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone participating!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

Irene said...

Sewing? Vintage? Christmas? That sounds perfect! Please count me in!
I am also hosting a giveaway, more details over the weekend, so do stop by!
Here is the link to my post about your giveaway.

Nunnie's Attic said...

Popped over from Dolly's blog and would love to be entered. Please stop by and visit me if you have the time. Thanks for having a giveaway too. It's fun to win and fun to have.


Anonymous said...

wish I was one of the first five- but I'll still mention you! please enter me in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Becky!!

"Wow, I missed so much the last couple of days!!" Please do dear friend, enter me in your lovely drawing full of fun and charm.

It so amazing and very festive here! I just love what you have done to your look. Can I jump in and have some "eggnog??"

xoxo Jeannene

Betsy said...

Please enter me! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

How generous of you! Please put my name in the hat!

Grace said...

Angel-lisiously-sweet! I was reading "Dolly From My Cherry Heart" blog and found another "TREASURE" your work is beautiful I love everything. How do you make these beautiful things and sell or give them away? They are so special. Thank you for sharing with ME (US) LOL! ANGEL HUGZ Grace P.

Anonymous said...

Just found your site, enjoyed it very much. Please enter me in your drawing.

Lucy Bloom said...

ooh, what a tempting offer, please count me in!

windycindy said...

Hello! This is so much fun! Please enter me in your wonderful contest. Thanks, Cindi

Atticbabys said...

What a sweety you are Becky! I'd be thrilled to be a part of this. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Smiles, Nan

AmyB said...

I heard about your giveaway on ~The Feathered Nest~ How kind and generous to spread the cheer AND some of your wonderful handicrafts. Your work is lovely. Glad to discover you! - Amy B

Anonymous said...

Hello! Found you by way of Dawn at The Feathered Nest. Love your angels!!
I would love to be entered into your giveaway.
athomeelise at yahoo dot com

Sam I Am said...

yipppeeeee!!! giveaways are soooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!
Please enter me!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy to find you.I came over from My Cherry heart.

cinnibonbon said...

Hi..I fun you thru Lee W. You have some lovely stuff on your blog. I truely love all the white!!!
Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie said...

Got to your blog from The Feathered Nest! Glad to meet you! And music to
welcome me! I'll enjoy reading your writing.

in Charlotte

Carrie said...

Woot! How exciting! Thank you so much for sharing your work. I too found your blog from The Feathered Nest.

Anonymous said...

The angels are wonderful. Add me to the giveaway list! Jamie V

Danita said...

Happy thanksgiving!
I'd love to enter to your giveaway. oh and I love your blog that's starting to look a lot like Christmas :)

Becky Bunn said...

HI Becky I'm Becky I would love to be entered into your giveaway

SweetAnnee said...

Sounds fun to me..Dawn from The Feathered Nest sent me.
smiles, deena

Dannielle said...

How fun!! Just found your blog and I love everything I see. :)

Sandy said...

Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving and year. Thanks for having a giveway.

Anonymous said...

Please, Please, put my name in! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Joy from Southern KY

Whimsy Pink said...

Hi becky~ Please enter my name in!! I would love to win something pretty from you ! my email is

Angela said...

How sweet. Thank you. And if I win, I will do a give-a-way also.

Unknown said...

So pretty!!! Thank you for the opportunity!!

LUV your music!!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Got here from The Feathered Nest. Your work is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.

Teresa said...

I would love to be entered in your fabulous giveaway! Just found your blog via The Feathered Nest. I enjoyed the visit.