Well, exciting for me anyway. I sold my first item from my Etsy shop. How great is that. I didn't expect to get this big a thrill out of it. I've been selling dolls for nearly 18 years. But I guess since it is the first time ever selling anything on the web for me, it is very exciting.
This is the item I sold. One of my vintage watch brackets. This one happens to be my very favorite too. I had added a little charm to it, a silver star with wings, my signature touch. I just thought it was so sweet.
Anyway, I have been at my sewing machine all week and got away one day to work at Portobello Road. We are just getting the store ready for Christmas. But at home I am surrounded by naked Santa bodies, its very funny at times. I've also finally finished decorating the last wall in my sewing room.
Its been bare for quite a while. I just love my old Christening dresses, I have a great collection. So I thought I'd add a few to the wall. Hopefully to inspire me more to make more of my Heavens Angels.
This is one of my Heavens Angels, on display (for sale) at Portobello Road. I will have some at my Etsy shop again very soon, with a couple new looks.
Well, back to the sewing table. Its gotten cold around here, Santa needs a coat...
"What a Lovely job your doing, so excited for you and all that is happening with you too!" Love your completed wall in your sewing room, and your angel. Good to see what you have been up to.
Hi sweet Becky, if you want to join in the pay it forward, Lori at Faerie Window is offering it up on her blog, OK? http://faeriewindow.blogspot.com/
xxoo, Dawn
Congratulations on your Etsy sell!!! It's so very thrilling to know that someone loves your work and paid for it...I just love the that you displayed the Christening dresses ~ beautiful! xxoo, Dawn
awwww... i was so mesmerized by the music playing on your blog..that i left it up..playing..
how pretty!!
loveeee that vintage watch bracelet...
im feeling so serene right now!! :)
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