Mica of garboodles.typepad.com What a wonderful box of treasures, so many surprises. The first picture below is of little Marie she made herself, my favorite of course and my other favorite is a ring that lights up. This is so me, I love stuff like that. I still put quarters in those prize machines at the grocery store. I love it all Mica, thank you so much. I am so pleased with it all. I am one lucky gal.
Oh my goodness, if Mica was your swap partner I know it was wonderful!! The pictures tell it all, I'm so very happy for you Becky!!! xxoo, Dawn
"AHHH"...I new Miss Mica would do a good one!! You are too lucky, girl to have this Lovely doll she made you...(shhh, don't tell her this...i want one like that so bad!!) Have a wonderful, lovely weekend!!
"HA!!" "maybe she will get the hint"...
:-) Jeannene
Hi Becky,
Thanks so much for visiting me today. I love your Marie goodies, the doll is adorable! Mica is so talented.
The light up ring, how fun, that's a rock that makes all of us smile :)Hope you are enjoying all of these deligtful things!
xo Lidy
"How funny, I thought of going back...instead, I called them when I got home and told them the "Great Service" i got at the other place, with NO APPOINTMENT at all...LOL!!
Blessings to you!!
"Did you get a Kick Out of my new post???" Keep your eyes close...No Peaking...LOL!!!
Smiles, me
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