They are blooming...
Well, it rained last night and this is what I found this morning. I knew there were buds ready to burst open. They all have buds now and this is Casey. I haven't the heart to cut them yet. I will let them flourish and wait for the next blooms before I cut them to bring inside. Dolly also has a great big bud on her. It will be big and yellow with pink tips, this is my favorite kind of rose so I can't wait. But this is very encouraging. I just couldn't wait to share.
"OH... *SIGH*..."How beautiful...thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures before the weekend!! You really put a smile on my face."
God makes miricles right before our very eyes. just a little tears from some Angels and voille. Very beautiful!!!
Hi Becky,
Thank you for the sweet comments about our store ~ if you see anything that is of reasonable size, I'll ship it to you! I love, love your roses ~ you need one of our vases with the wire flower frog on top to put your cuttings in!! xxoo, Dawn ps I want to see more mermaids!
wow..blossoms already??? you must have a super green thumb :) :) :)
"OK Becky"...You really need to keep this picture as your banner!! It is so "Old World" and "Ornate" so lovely!! If you do not mind I will copy this image..."I just love it!!"
"OH my Gosh"... I just realized I have that same angel in my dinning room...(go look on my blog and look for the post: quote and the art of decor..and you'll find a picture of that angel!!"
"We have such good taste, don't we?"
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