This is the beginning of something great. I am going to make a rose garden here on the side of our home. It gets the best sunlight most of the day. I loved these bushes but they had to go. We just put them in the wrong place and I think roses will be great here. I just have to say how excited I am about this. It is finally getting done. These bushes cost $2.00 each as little babies. We had no idea how big they would get. I can't wait to get the rose bushes in. I am going to do lots of research on roses too, cause I know nothing except they are lovely and smell wonderful, and they need lots of tending.
I can see it!!! It will look very lovely indeed.
ooooo cant wait to see :) wear your gloves!!!
"Beck, you are too kind for words, thank you for your comment today...it touched me. Hope you have a lovely day as well!!"
I take roses over bushes any day! I bet it'll look great! Thank you for adding me to your blog list! I am honored...
I bet it will look wonderful with roses! Make sure to share pictures. :)
P.S. Thanks for your visit at my blog. The Santos you inquired about is imported by a European Antiques dealer I buy from. I can't remember where he said he gets them, but I would guess she is a reproduction. (Sorry to put this on your blog, but I didn't have your email.)
P.P.S. Your dog is so cute!
Becky..Becky..what a lovely "old world style" door of an angel, where did you ever get or find that? You must share this info. I must know, it is absolutely beautiful!!
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